

Rare tokenized art pieces, Non-fungible tokens for art, Collectibles marketplace

About Althash Non-Fungible Tokens Gallery

"Tokenizing art as unique assets registered on a blockchain, each of them represents a single indivisible asset, therefore "non-fungible"."

Marcio Gandra
With regard to Art, it is possible to exchange thousands of digital NFT (or Crypto Art) works of art created by a rapidly growing community of digital artists who are mostly crypto enthusiasts and inspired by Crypto's disturbing nature. Crypto Art's most common themes are Generative Art, AI-Generated Art, Glitch Art , Gif Art and Political Pro-Crypto Art.
The NFT on Althash revolution is not only one more hype in crypto scene. The entire ecosystem is also growing rapidly, with countless art collectors accumulating works of art, art observers commenting on artists and trends, and new art galleries and virtual museums popping up every day, especially built on virtual land. Prices rose rapidly in late 2019 and are becoming significant with transactions that occasionally exceeded $ 1,000 for individual digital artworks in December 2019.

Project Status Know all the team behind

Smart Contracts 50%
MVP & Development 50%
NFT on Althash Dapps 100%
To allow developers to build their applications on Althash Blockchain for NFT on Althash dapps with ease, we are preparing lots of dapps, codes, scripts and tutorials showing them how to explore the NFT on Althash possibilities using the Althash platforms. The first product to be released is the NFT Art Gallery, check others possibilities with NFT below.

NFT on Althash FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
What does fungibility means ?
Fungibility is the ability of a good or asset to be interchanged for another good or asset of like kind. Like goods and assets that are not interchangeable, such as owned cars and houses, are non-fungible.
Which standard protocol enables both fungible and non fungible tokens in the same contract?
EIP 1155: ERC-1155 Multi Token Standard . A standard interface for contracts that manage multiple token types. A single deployed contract may include any combination of fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens or other configurations (e.g. semi-fungible tokens).
What is ERC721 protocol ?
ERC721 tokens, more commonly referred to as Non-Fungible tokens (NFTs) allow developers to tokenize ownership of any arbitrary data, drastically increasing the design space of what can be represented as a token on the Ethereum blockchain.
What is a token standard?
Tokens are cryptocurrencies created on existing blockchains. With the creation of smart contracts, Ethereum has become the most common blockchain token platform. The format name of a token standard is dependent on the blockchain they are built on.
What can a NFT represent?
Crypto collectibles; Digital artwork; A ticket to an event; An in-game item; An item in a virtual universe; A real-world asset; A part of a propriety;
What is fungibility in Economy?
n economics, fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are essentially interchangeable, and each of its parts is indistinguishable from another part. ... Other fungible commodities include sweet crude oil, company shares, bonds, other precious metals, and currencies.


"You can hold and trasfer any real asset converted into a digital and safe one."

M. Gandra
Blockchain technology helps enshrine your ownership rights — and make digital assets a heck of a lot easier to move around.
The costs of the gas transactions (used to reward the network miners that validate the transactions) is very unexpressive per transaction/register, mili-cents of dollar.

"It´s amazing how you can move your assets in seconds and pay almost nothing for it."

V. Hoffman
This brings us neatly onto our next point. NFTs can be freely traded on specialist markets. NFTs also solve the annoying problem about ”walled gardens” in games — meaning coveted assets within a popular game could be used in a totally different title... or exchanged for items in a different game, even with a completely different publisher.
Transactions that might take days waiting for multiple sign-offs can be concluded in seconds. And you can also automate tasks using smart contracts to speed up your business.

"Artists can be now their own merchans in this crypto world full of possibilities."

I. Rivero
Fraud’s a big problem — affecting everything from art to tickets and collectibles. The blockchains powering NFTs clamp down on counterfeiting — and give buyers confidence that they’ll get what they pay for.
Through our block explorer, all registers are traceable and auditable.

What people say?

"NFT explorer the most interesting feature of crypto, convert real assets into digital with safety."

Heitor Souza - Sou Studio

What people say?

"The world of digital art is very expressive, NFT means freedom for artists."

Thiago Compan

What people say?

"NFT on Althash is the key for tokenization projects success."

P. Dias - Blockchain Dev.

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